Séances & Spiritualism: Don't Look Now, and The Changeling

In Part 1 of our exploration of Spiritualism and the practice of séances we talk origins. Then we look at two classics, the Donald Sutherland-Julie Christie in Venice, Don't Look Now (1973) and The Changeling (1980) starring George C. Scott. These tales of loss serve as a high bar in the genre thanks to great concepts and performances.

LHR: We Are The Flesh & The Leftovers

It was a casual Friday sneaking in and recording our chat about Emiliano Rocha Minter's shocking We Are The Flesh (on Shudder now), and Mindy is newly obsessed with HBO's The Leftovers. (Darren is gunshy about Damon Lindelof projects since Lost.) We talk show prep and fill you in plans for upcoming episodes.

Movies to [Mostly] Avoid and a Song!

This week we talk the new IT trailer and the production trouble behind it, and bad movies. FREE SONG! Darren saw The Windmill (2016), and Mindy watched Kevin Smith's Yoga Hosers (2016) and for some reason Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave FROM 2005! Also Darren wrote and recorded a song that plays at the end of the episode.

Join us on Patreon where our patrons received the full, hi res track, and access to a whole catalogue of exclusive content.

Possessions & Exorcisms: Part Two

In part two of our Possession & Exorcist series we talk the Church's history and dive into 1973's The Exorcist. William Friedkin's classic production of William Peter Blatty's novel gets a close look, and Mindy debates it's status as one of the most frightening films ever made. Undoubtedly one of the greatest casts in horror history, starring Max von Sydow, Linda Blair, Ellen Burstyn and Jason Miller.